

Lyu, Ilwoo, Joon-Kyung Seong, Sung Yong Shin, Kiho Im, Jee Hoon Roh, Min-Jeong Kim, Geon Ha Kim, et al. 2010. “Spectral-Based Automatic Labeling and Refining of Human Cortical Sulcal Curves Using Expert-Provided Examples”. Neuroimage 52 (1): 142-57.
We present a spectral-based method for automatically labeling and refining major sulcal curves of a human cerebral cortex. Given a set of input (unlabeled) sulcal curves automatically extracted from a cortical surface and a collection of expert-provided examples (labeled sulcal curves), our objective is to identify the input major sulcal curves and assign their neuroanatomical labels, and then refines these curves based on the expert-provided example data, without employing any atlas-based registration scheme as preprocessing. In order to construct the example data, neuroanatomists manually labeled a set of 24 major sulcal curves (12 each for the left and right hemispheres) for each individual subject according to a precise protocol. We collected 30 sets of such curves from 30 subjects. Given the raw input sulcal curve set of a subject, we choose the most similar example curve to each input curve in the set to label and refine the latter according to the former. We adapt a spectral matching algorithm to choose the example curve by exploiting the sulcal curve features and their relationship. The high dimensionality of sulcal curve data in spectral matching is addressed by using their multi-resolution representations, which greatly reduces time and space complexities. Our method provides consistent labeling and refining results even under high variability of cortical sulci across the subjects. Through experiments we show that the results are comparable in accuracy to those done manually. Most output curves exhibited accuracy values higher than 80%, and the mean accuracy values of the curves in the left and the right hemispheres were 84.69% and 84.58%, respectively.


AC, Evans, Lee JM, Kim SI, Fukuda H, Kawashima R, He Y, Jiang T, et al. 2008. “Human Cortical Anatomical Networks Assessed by Structural MRI”. Brain Imaging and Behavior 2: 289-99.

Mapping the structure and function of the brain with non-invasive brain imaging techniques has become a world-wide enterpise in the last 20 years. The core concept that drives this rapid growth has been the use of a standardized 3D coordinate space for combining data from many subjects and/or time-points. This has allowed geographically-separated laboratories to reproduce experi- ments in precise detail, to share data or to perform meta- analysis in ways that go far beyond the traditional reviewing of summary results in journal publications. A further corollary of the brain mapping approach is the natural fostering of multi-center collaboration among distant sites. This article describes recent progress in trans-Pacific collaboration between Canadian and Asian laboratories in the study of neuroanatomical networks obtained from MRI data, both in the normal brain and in neurodegenerative disorders.

Im, Kiho, Jong-Min Lee, Sang Won Seo, Uicheul Yoon, Sung Tae Kim, Yun-Hee Kim, Sun Kim, and Duk Na. 2008. “Variations in Cortical Thickness With Dementia Severity in Alzheimer’s Disease”. Neurosci Lett 436 (2): 227-31.
Previous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have used volumetric methods to investigate cerebral atrophy and showed its linear pattern with the measure of dementia severity in Alzheimer's disease (AD). This study analyzed the phase- and region-specific changes in cortical thickness with dementia severity. In 43 normal controls and 60 AD patients with clinical dementia rating (CDR) (0.5, n=21; 1, n=28; 2, n=11), the cortical thickness was measured using automated surface-based analysis of MRI data. Statistical analyses were performed to investigate overall the hemispheric mean thicknesses as well as the topography of cortical atrophy based on vertices in the groups. No significant difference in cortical thickness was observed for the mild (from CDR=0.5 to 1) stage of dementia. In contrast, a significant reduction of cortical thickness occurred from CDR=1 to 2. Topographic analysis of cortical atrophy showed that the significant cortical thinning in CDR=0.5 relative to normal was found in most association cortices, with this being more extensive than previously reported. There were significant cortical atrophies between CDR=1 and 2 in the frontal, inferolateral temporal, inferior parietal lobule, medial occipital, and posterior-cingulated regions. Our results confirm and extend previous findings, suggesting that widespread cortical thinning occurs before the onset of dementia (from normal to CDR=0.5), and that once dementia starts, cortical atrophy in association cortices accelerates in moderate AD (from CDR=1 to 2).
Im, Kiho, Jong-Min Lee, Sang Won Seo, Sun Hyung Kim, Sun Kim, and Duk Na. 2008. “Sulcal Morphology Changes and Their Relationship With Cortical Thickness and Gyral White Matter Volume in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease”. Neuroimage 43 (1): 103-13.
We investigated the changes of sulcal shape (average mean curvature in folded regions and sulcal depth) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD) using quantitative surface-based methods in a large sample of magnetic resonance imaging data. Moreover, we observed their relationships with cortical thickness and gyral white matter (WM) volume, while considering age effect. This study involved 85 normal controls (n [men/women]: 36/49, age [mean+/-SD]: 71.1+/-4.9 years), and 100 MCI (44/56, 71.8+/-6.5) and 145 AD subjects (53/92, 72.7+/-7.3). We found significantly lower average mean curvature (greater sulcal widening) and shallower sulcal depth with disease progression from controls to MCI and MCI to AD. The most remarkable change in MCI and AD was sulcal widening observed in the temporal lobe (average mean curvature, control [mean]: 0.564, MCI: 0.534 (5.3% decrease from control), AD: 0.486 (13.8% and 9.0% decrease from control and MCI respectively)). Of the four measurements, the sulcal widening measurement showed the highest sensitivity in revealing group differences between control and MCI, which might be useful for detecting early dementia. Significant reductions in cortical thickness and gyral WM volume also occurred in MCI and AD. Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that a wider and shallower sulcal shape was primarily associated with decreased cortical thickness and gyral WM volume in each group. Age-related trends for the sulcal shape were not strongly found when cortical thickness and gyral WM volume were considered.
Im, Kiho, Jong-Min Lee, Oliver Lyttelton, Sun Hyung Kim, Alan Evans, and Sun Kim. (2008) 2008. “Brain Size and Cortical Structure in the Adult Human Brain”. Cereb Cortex 18 (9): 2181-91.
We investigated the scale relationship between size and cortical structure of human brains in a large sample of magnetic resonance imaging data. Cortical structure was estimated with several measures (cortical volume, surface area, and thickness, sulcal depth, and absolute mean curvature in sulcal regions and sulcal walls) using three-dimensional surface-based methods in 148 normal subjects (n [men/women]: 83/65, age [mean +/- standard deviation]: 25.0 +/- 4.9 years). We found significantly larger scaling exponents than geometrically predicted for cortical surface area, absolute mean curvature in sulcal regions and in sulcal walls, and smaller ones for cortical volume and thickness. As brain size increases, the cortex thickens only slightly, but the degree of sulcal convolution increases dramatically, indicating that human cortices are not simply scaled versions of one another. Our results are consistent with previous hypotheses that greater local clustering of interneuronal connections would be required in a larger brain, and fiber tension between local cortical areas would induce cortical folds. We suggest that sex effects are explained by brain size effects in cortical structure at a macroscopic and lobar regional level, and that it is necessary to consider true relationships between cortical measures and brain size due to the limitations of linear stereotaxic normalization.


Seo, Sang Won, Kiho Im, Jong-Min Lee, Yun-Hee Kim, Sung Tae Kim, Seong Yoon Kim, Dong Won Yang, Sun Kim, Yoon Sun Cho, and Duk Na. (2007) 2007. “Cortical Thickness in Single- versus Multiple-Domain Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment”. Neuroimage 36 (2): 289-97.
Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) can be classified into single domain (S-aMCI) and multiple domain (M-aMCI) subtypes. However, there have been no studies that specifically investigate the structural differences that support this classification. In an attempt to compare regional cortical thickness in two subtypes of aMCI, we aimed to map the distribution of cortical thinning using a surface based cortical analysis of magnetic resonance imaging. The cortical thickness across the entire brain was measured in 9 patients with S-aMCI, 22 patients with M-aMCI, and 61 normal healthy subjects. Differences in the patterns of cortical thinning between S-aMCI and M-aMCI were assessed using ANCOVA on a vertex-by-vertex basis, and statistical maps of differences in cortical thickness between the groups were constructed using a surface model. Relative to controls, S-aMCI patients showed cortical thinning in the left medial temporal lobe, and M-aMCI patients showed cortical thinning in the left medial temporal lobe, precuneus, and anterior and inferior basal temporal, insular, and temporal association cortices. When the two MCI groups were directly compared, M-aMCI patients showed cortical thinning in left precuneus. Our studies suggest that M-aMCI is a transitional state between S-aMCI and Alzheimer's disease, and that the cortical thinning is evidence that the precuneus is responsible for the multiple cognitive impairments in M-aMCI.
Yoon, Uicheul, Jong-Min Lee, Kiho Im, Yong-Wook Shin, Baek Hwan Cho, In Young Kim, Jun Soo Kwon, and Sun Kim. 2007. “Pattern Classification Using Principal Components of Cortical Thickness and Its Discriminative Pattern in Schizophrenia”. Neuroimage 34 (4): 1405-15.
We proposed pattern classification based on principal components of cortical thickness between schizophrenic patients and healthy controls, which was trained using a leave-one-out cross-validation. The cortical thickness was measured by calculating the Euclidean distance between linked vertices on the inner and outer cortical surfaces. Principal component analysis was applied to each lobe for practical computational issues and stability of principal components. And, discriminative patterns derived at every vertex in the original feature space with respect to support vector machine were analyzed with definitive findings of brain abnormalities in schizophrenia for establishing practical confidence. It was simulated with 50 randomly selected validation set for the generalization and the average accuracy of classification was reported. This study showed that some principal components might be more useful than others for classification, but not necessarily matching the ordering of the variance amounts they explained. In particular, 40-70 principal components rearranged by a simple two-sample t-test which ranked the effectiveness of features were used for the best mean accuracy of simulated classification (frontal: (left(%)|right(%))=91.07|88.80, parietal: 91.40|91.53, temporal: 93.60|91.47, occipital: 88.80|91.60). And, discriminative power appeared more spatially diffused bilaterally in the several regions, especially precentral, postcentral, superior frontal and temporal, cingulate and parahippocampal gyri. Since our results of discriminative patterns derived from classifier were consistent with a previous morphological analysis of schizophrenia, it can be said that the cortical thickness is a reliable feature for pattern classification and the potential benefits of such diagnostic tools are enhanced by our finding.


Im, Kiho, Jong-Min Lee, Uicheul Yoon, Yong-Wook Shin, Soon Beom Hong, In Young Kim, Jun Soo Kwon, and Sun Kim. (2006) 2006. “Fractal Dimension in Human Cortical Surface: Multiple Regression Analysis With Cortical Thickness, Sulcal Depth, and Folding Area”. Hum Brain Mapp 27 (12): 994-1003.
Fractal dimension (FD) has been widely used to provide a quantitative description of structural complexity in the cerebral cortex. FD is an extremely compact measure of shape complexity, condensing all details into a single numeric value. We interpreted the variation of the FD in the cortical surface of normal controls through multiple regression analysis with cortical thickness, sulcal depth, and folding area related to cortical complexity. We used a cortical surface showing a reliable representation of folded gyri and manually parcellated it into frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital regions for regional analysis. In both hemispheres the mean cortical thickness and folding area showed significant combination effects on cortical complexity and accounted for about 50% of its variance. The folding area was significant in accounting for the FD of the cortical surface, with positive coefficients in both hemispheres and several lobe regions, while sulcal depth was significant only in the left temporal region. The results may suggest that human cortex develops a complex structure through the thinning of cortical thickness and by increasing the frequency of folds and the convolution of gyral shape rather than by deepening sulcal regions. Through correlation analysis of FD with IQ and the number of years of education, the results showed that a complex shape of the cortical surface has a significant relationship with intelligence and education. Our findings may indicate the structural characteristics that are revealed in the cerebral cortex when the FD in human brain is increased, and provide important information about brain development.
Im, Kiho, Jong-Min Lee, Junki Lee, Yong-Wook Shin, In Young Kim, Jun Soo Kwon, and Sun Kim. 2006. “Gender Difference Analysis of Cortical Thickness in Healthy Young Adults With Surface-Based Methods”. Neuroimage 31 (1): 31-8.
We have examined gender differences of cortical thickness using a 3-D surface-based method that enables more accurate measurement in deep sulci and localized regional mapping compared to volumetric analyses. Cortical thickness was measured using a direct method for calculating the distance between corresponding vertices from inner and outer cortical surfaces. We normalized cortical surfaces using 2-D surface registration and performed diffusion smoothing to reduce the variability of folding patterns and to increase the power of the statistical analysis. In stereotaxic space, significant localized cortical thickening in women was found extensively in frontal, parietal and occipital lobes, including the superior frontal gyrus (SFG), superior parietal gyrus (SPG), inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and postcentral gyrus (PoCG) in the left hemisphere and mostly in the parietal lobe, including the SPG in the right hemisphere. In the temporal lobe, small regions of the left and right caudal superior temporal gyrus (STG) and the left temporal pole showed significantly greater cortical thickness in women. The temporal lobe shows relatively less significant thickening than other lobes in both hemispheres. In native space, significantly greater cortical thickness in women was detected in left parietal region, including SPG and PoCG. No significant local increases of cortical thickness were observed in men in both spaces. These findings suggest statistically significant cortical thickening in women in localized anatomical regions, which is consistent with several previous studies and may support a hypothesis of sexual dimorphism.