Disorganized Patterns of Sulcal Position in Fetal Brains with Agenesis of Corpus Callosum

Tarui, Tomo, Neel Madan, Nabgha Farhat, Rie Kitano, Asye Ceren Tanritanir, George Graham, Borjan Gagoski, et al. 2018. “Disorganized Patterns of Sulcal Position in Fetal Brains With Agenesis of Corpus Callosum”. Cereb Cortex 28 (9): 3192-3203.


Fetuses with isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) are associated with a broad spectrum of neurodevelopmental disability that cannot be specifically predicted in prenatal neuroimaging. We hypothesized that ACC may be associated with aberrant cortical folding. In this study, we determined altered patterning of early primary sulci development in fetuses with isolated ACC using novel quantitative sulcal pattern analysis which measures deviations of regional sulcal features (position, depth, and area) and their intersulcal relationships in 7 fetuses with isolated ACC (27.1 ± 3.8 weeks of gestation, mean ± SD) and 17 typically developing (TD) fetuses (25.7 ± 2.0 weeks) from normal templates. Fetuses with ACC showed significant alterations in absolute sulcal positions and relative intersulcal positional relationship compared to TD fetuses, which were not detected by traditional gyrification index. Our results reveal altered sulcal positional development even in isolated ACC that is present as early as the second trimester and continues throughout the fetal period. It might originate from altered white matter connections and portend functional variances in later life.
Last updated on 02/27/2023