Ahtam, Banu, Ted Turesky, Lilla Zöllei, Julianna Standish, Ellen Grant, Nadine Gaab, and Kiho Im. 2021. “Intergenerational Transmission of Cortical Sulcal Patterns from Mothers to Their Children”. Cereb Cortex 31 (4): 1888-97.
Intergenerational effects are described as the genetic, epigenetic, as well as pre- and postnatal environmental influence parents have on their offspring's behavior, cognition, and brain. During fetal brain development, the primary cortical sulci emerge with a distinctive folding pattern that are under strong genetic influence and show little change of this pattern throughout postnatal brain development. We examined intergenerational transmission of cortical sulcal patterns by comparing primary sulcal patterns between children (N = 16, age 5.5 ± 0.81 years, 8 males) and their biological mothers (N = 15, age 39.72 ± 4.68 years) as well as between children and unrelated adult females. Our graph-based sulcal pattern comparison method detected stronger sulcal pattern similarity for child-mother pairs than child-unrelated pairs, where higher similarity between child-mother pairs was observed mostly for the right lobar regions. Our results also show that child-mother versus child-unrelated pairs differ for daughters and sons with a trend toward significance, particularly for the left hemisphere lobar regions. This is the first study to reveal significant intergenerational transmission of cortical sulcal patterns, and our results have important implications for the study of the heritability of complex behaviors, brain-based disorders, the identification of biomarkers, and targets for interventions.
Last updated on 02/27/2023