

Yun, Hyuk Jin, Juan David Ruiz Perez, Patricia Sosa, Alejandro Valdés, Neel Madan, Rie Kitano, Shizuko Akiyama, et al. 2021. “Regional Alterations in Cortical Sulcal Depth in Living Fetuses With Down Syndrome”. Cereb Cortex 31 (2): 757-67.
Down syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic cause of developmental disabilities. Advanced analysis of brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to find brain abnormalities and their relationship to neurocognitive impairments in children and adolescents with DS. Because genetic factors affect brain development in early fetal life, there is a growing interest in analyzing brains from living fetuses with DS. In this study, we investigated regional sulcal folding depth as well as global cortical gyrification from fetal brain MRIs. Nine fetuses with DS (29.1 ± 4.24 gestational weeks [mean ± standard deviation]) were compared with 17 typically developing [TD] fetuses (28.4 ± 3.44). Fetuses with DS showed lower whole-brain average sulcal depths and gyrification index than TD fetuses. Significant decreases in sulcal depth were found in bilateral Sylvian fissures and right central and parieto-occipital sulci. On the other hand, significantly increased sulcal depth was shown in the left superior temporal sulcus, which is related to atypical hemispheric asymmetry of cortical folding. Moreover, these group differences increased as gestation progressed. This study demonstrates that regional sulcal depth is a sensitive marker for detecting alterations of cortical development in DS during fetal life, which may be associated with later neurocognitive impairment.
Im, Kiho. 2021. “Advanced Fetal MRI”. In Handbook of Pediatric Brain Imaging: Methods, Modalities and Applications. Elsevier.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is widely used during the fetal period when fetal abnormalities are identified, or diagnostic doubts remain after prenatal ultrasonography. In vivo fetal MRI can improve the diagnostic accuracy for fetal brain abnormalities, leading to better prenatal counseling and clinical management. MRI of the fetus in utero may be one of the most difficult imaging due to nonpredictable fetal motion, small brain size, and low tissue contrast. Especially, fetal motion disrupts the spatial encoding needed for 3D image acquisition. Therefore, fast structural fetal MRI has been performed using a single-shot fast spin echo T2-weighted sequence and inter-slice motion correction methods have been developed. In vivo diffusion-weighted and functional MRI are also used with the fetal motion correction for quantitative microstructural evaluation and examination of structural and functional connectivity development in the fetal brain. Recently, advanced fetal MRI analysis techniques have been proposed, which enable the quantitative assessment of brain volumetric growth; cortical surface areal growth and folding; global sulcal folding pattern; tissue microstructure; white matter structural connectivity; and functional connectivity and networks in healthy fetuses and fetuses with developmental brain disorders. Prior in vivo fetal MRI studies show great potential to not only help us better understand normal and abnormal brain development but also improve the management of high-risk pregnancies and the diagnosis and treatment of congenital anomalies. For future works, it is needed to improve the spatial resolution and contrast of fetal MRI, decrease its sensitivity to motion, reduce the total acquisition time, and develop more advanced image processing and analysis technologies.

Im, Kiho. 2021. “Cortical Sulci in the Human Fetal Brain and Development”. In The Neuroscience of Development. Elsevier.

Human cerebral cortex shows the dramatic areal expansion and folding during fetal life with the most prominent and dynamic genetic regulation. The position of early sulcal folds appears to be associated with cortical functional areas predetermined from genetic protomap, and specific patterns of sulcal folding have been hypothesized to relate to optimal organization and arrangement of the functional areas and their white matter connections. As primary sulcal folding pattern is prenatally determined and neurodevelopmental disabilities associated with abnormal pattern may have a prenatal origin, it is needed to develop and use in vivo fetal brain MRI analysis techniques to provide a predictive model of postnatal brain development and neurodevelopmental disability risk from early fetal life. Recent advances in fetal MRI analysis allow us to quantify and characterize normal and abnormal sulcal development and detect early-emerging subtle abnormalities in cortical sulcal pattern in several brain developmental disorders.


Hong, Jinwoo, Hyuk Jin Yun, Gilsoon Park, Seonggyu Kim, Cynthia Laurentys, Leticia Siqueira, Tomo Tarui, et al. (2020) 2020. “Fetal Cortical Plate Segmentation Using Fully Convolutional Networks With Multiple Plane Aggregation”. Front Neurosci 14: 591683.
Fetal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the potential to advance our understanding of human brain development by providing quantitative information of cortical plate (CP) development . However, for a reliable quantitative analysis of cortical volume and sulcal folding, accurate and automated segmentation of the CP is crucial. In this study, we propose a fully convolutional neural network for the automatic segmentation of the CP. We developed a novel hybrid loss function to improve the segmentation accuracy and adopted multi-view (axial, coronal, and sagittal) aggregation with a test-time augmentation method to reduce errors using three-dimensional (3D) information and multiple predictions. We evaluated our proposed method using the ten-fold cross-validation of 52 fetal brain MR images (22.9-31.4 weeks of gestation). The proposed method obtained Dice coefficients of 0.907 ± 0.027 and 0.906 ± 0.031 as well as a mean surface distance error of 0.182 ± 0.058 mm and 0.185 ± 0.069 mm for the left and right, respectively. In addition, the left and right CP volumes, surface area, and global mean curvature generated by automatic segmentation showed a high correlation with the values generated by manual segmentation ( > 0.941). We also demonstrated that the proposed hybrid loss function and the combination of multi-view aggregation and test-time augmentation significantly improved the CP segmentation accuracy. Our proposed segmentation method will be useful for the automatic and reliable quantification of the cortical structure in the fetal brain.
Yun, Hyuk Jin, Lana Vasung, Tomo Tarui, Caitlin Rollins, Cynthia Ortinau, Ellen Grant, and Kiho Im. 2020. “Temporal Patterns of Emergence and Spatial Distribution of Sulcal Pits During Fetal Life”. Cereb Cortex 30 (7): 4257-68.
Sulcal pits are thought to represent the first cortical folds of primary sulci during neurodevelopment. The uniform spatial distribution of sulcal pits across individuals is hypothesized to be predetermined by a human-specific protomap which is related to functional localization under genetic controls in early fetal life. Thus, it is important to characterize temporal and spatial patterns of sulcal pits in the fetal brain that would provide additional information of functional development of the human brain and crucial insights into abnormal cortical maturation. In this paper, we investigated temporal patterns of emergence and spatial distribution of sulcal pits using 48 typically developing fetal brains in the second half of gestation. We found that the position and spatial variance of sulcal pits in the fetal brain are similar to those in the adult brain, and they are also temporally uniform against dynamic brain growth during fetal life. Furthermore, timing of pit emergence shows a regionally diverse pattern that may be associated with the subdivisions of the protomap. Our findings suggest that sulcal pits in the fetal brain are useful anatomical landmarks containing detailed information of functional localization in early cortical development and maintaining their spatial distribution throughout the human lifetime.
Vasung, Lana, Hyuk Jin Yun, Henry Feldman, Patricia Ellen Grant, and Kiho Im. 2020. “An Atypical Sulcal Pattern in Children With Disorders of the Corpus Callosum and Its Relation to Behavioral Outcomes”. Cereb Cortex 30 (9): 4790-99.
Hypogenesis (hCC) and dysgenesis (dCC) of the corpus callosum (CC) are characterized by its smaller size or absence. The outcomes of these patients vary considerably and are unrelated to the size of the CC abnormality. The aim of the current study was to characterize the sulcal pattern in children with hCC and dCC and to explore its relation to clinical outcome. We used quantitative sulcal pattern analysis that measures deviation (similarity index, SI) of the composite or individual sulcal features (position, depth, area, and graph topology) compared to the control group. We calculated SI for each hemisphere and lobe in 11 children with CC disorder (hCC = 4, dCC = 7) and 15 controls. hCC and dCC had smaller hemispheric SI compared to controls. dCC subjects had smaller regional SI in the frontal and occipital lobes, which were driven by a smaller SI in a position or a graph topology. The significantly decreased SI gradient was found across groups only in the sulcal graph topology of the temporal lobes (controls > hCC > dCC) and was related to clinical outcome. Our results suggest that careful examination of sulcal pattern in hCC and dCC patients could be a useful biomarker of outcome.
Morton, Sarah, Lara Maleyeff, David Wypij, Hyuk Jin Yun, Jane Newburger, David Bellinger, Amy Roberts, et al. 2020. “Abnormal Left-Hemispheric Sulcal Patterns Correlate With Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Subjects With Single Ventricular Congenital Heart Disease”. Cereb Cortex 30 (2): 476-87.
Neurodevelopmental abnormalities are the most common noncardiac complications in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). Prenatal brain abnormalities may be due to reduced oxygenation, genetic factors, or less commonly, teratogens. Understanding the contribution of these factors is essential to improve outcomes. Because primary sulcal patterns are prenatally determined and under strong genetic control, we hypothesized that they are influenced by genetic variants in CHD. In this study, we reveal significant alterations in sulcal patterns among subjects with single ventricle CHD (n = 115, 14.7 ± 2.9 years [mean ± standard deviation]) compared with controls (n = 45, 15.5 ± 2.4 years) using a graph-based pattern-analysis technique. Among patients with CHD, the left hemisphere demonstrated decreased sulcal pattern similarity to controls in the left temporal and parietal lobes, as well as the bilateral frontal lobes. Temporal and parietal lobes demonstrated an abnormally asymmetric left-right pattern of sulcal basin area in CHD subjects. Sulcal pattern similarity to control was positively correlated with working memory, processing speed, and executive function. Exome analysis identified damaging de novo variants only in CHD subjects with more atypical sulcal patterns. Together, these findings suggest that sulcal pattern analysis may be useful in characterizing genetically influenced, atypical early brain development and neurodevelopmental risk in subjects with CHD.
Tarui, Tomo, Kiho Im, Neel Madan, Rajeevi Madankumar, Brian Skotko, Allie Schwartz, Christianne Sharr, et al. 2020. “Quantitative MRI Analyses of Regional Brain Growth in Living Fetuses With Down Syndrome”. Cereb Cortex 30 (1): 382-90.
Down syndrome (DS) is the most common liveborn autosomal chromosomal anomaly and is a major cause of developmental disability. Atypical brain development and the resulting intellectual disability originate during the fetal period. Perinatal interventions to correct such aberrant development are on the horizon in preclinical studies. However, we lack tools to sensitively measure aberrant structural brain development in living human fetuses with DS. In this study, we aimed to develop safe and precise neuroimaging measures to monitor fetal brain development in DS. We measured growth patterns of regional brain structures in 10 fetal brains with DS (29.1 ± 4.2, weeks of gestation, mean ± SD, range 21.7~35.1) and 12 control fetuses (25.2 ± 5.0, range 18.6~33.3) using regional volumetric analysis of fetal brain MRI. All cases with DS had confirmed karyotypes. We performed non-linear regression models to compare fitted regional growth curves between DS and controls. We found decreased growth trajectories of the cortical plate (P = 0.033), the subcortical parenchyma (P = 0.010), and the cerebellar hemispheres (P  0.0001) in DS compared to controls. This study provides proof of principle that regional volumetric analysis of fetal brain MRI facilitates successful evaluation of brain development in living fetuses with DS.


Im, Kiho, and Ellen Grant. 2019. “Sulcal Pits and Patterns in Developing Human Brains”. Neuroimage 185: 881-90.
Spatial distribution and specific geometric and topological patterning of early sulcal folds have been hypothesized to be under stronger genetic control and are more associated with optimal organization of cortical functional areas and their white matter connections, compared to later developing sulci. Several previous studies of sulcal pit (putative first sulcal fold) distribution and sulcal pattern analyses using graph structures have provided evidence of the importance of sulcal pits and patterns as remarkable anatomical features closely related to human brain function, suggesting additional insights concerning the anatomical and functional development of the human brain. Recently, early sulcal folding patterns have been observed in healthy fetuses and fetuses with brain abnormalities such as polymicrogyria and agenesis of corpus callosum. Graph-based quantitative sulcal pattern analysis has shown high sensitivity in detecting emerging subtle abnormalities in cerebral cortical growth in early fetal stages that are difficult to detect via qualitative visual assessment or using traditional cortical measures such as gyrification index and curvature. It has proven effective for characterizing genetically influenced early cortical folding development. Future studies will be aimed at better understanding a comprehensive map of spatio-temporal dynamics of fetal cortical folding in a large longitudinal cohort in order to examine individual clinical fetal MRIs and predict postnatal neurodevelopmental outcomes from early fetal life.
Grant, Ellen, Kiho Im, Banu Ahtam, Cynthia Laurentys, Wai-Man Chan, Maya Brainard, Sheena Chew, et al. 2019. “Altered White Matter Organization in the TUBB3 E410K Syndrome”. Cereb Cortex 29 (8): 3561-76.
Seven unrelated individuals (four pediatric, three adults) with the TUBB3 E410K syndrome, harboring identical de novo heterozygous TUBB3 c.1228 G>A mutations, underwent neuropsychological testing and neuroimaging. Despite the absence of cortical malformations, they have intellectual and social disabilities. To search for potential etiologies for these deficits, we compared their brain's structural and white matter organization to 22 controls using structural and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging. Diffusion images were processed to calculate fractional anisotropy (FA) and perform tract reconstructions. Cortical parcellation-based network analysis and gyral topology-based FA analyses were performed. Major interhemispheric, projection and intrahemispheric tracts were manually segmented. Subjects had decreased corpus callosum volume and decreased network efficiency. While only pediatric subjects had diffuse decreases in FA predominantly affecting mid- and long-range tracts, only adult subjects had white matter volume loss associated with decreased cortical surface area. All subjects showed aberrant corticospinal tract trajectory and bilateral absence of the dorsal language network long segment. Furthermore, pediatric subjects had more tracts with decreased FA compared with controls than did adult subjects. These findings define a TUBB3 E410K neuroimaging endophenotype and lead to the hypothesis that the age-related changes are due to microscopic intrahemispheric misguided axons that are pruned during maturation.