Research Opportunities in the Audiology Research Lab
Thank you for your interest in the work of our lab. To make a difference in the lives of children with hearing loss, consider taking an active role in the scientific process by participating in one or more of our research studies!
The OWuhL Study
The Outcomes with Unilateral Hearing Loss (OWuhL) Study, aims to investigate how unilateral deafness, aided or unaided, may affect spatial hearing skills and psychological functioning.
Through one or two study visits, children will undergo auditory and neuropsychological assessments.
Eligibility criteria:
6-16 years old
have normal hearing bilaterally OR
unilateral deafness
Participation will be compensated at $20/hour. Interested in learning more? Scan the QR code below, or complete an intake here, or email our team
Did you know? Owls have an amazing sense of hearing. Some species of owls have asymmetric ears (one ear is higher than the other). This means that owls have super spatial hearing skills, allowing them to find where sounds are coming from with incredible accuracy!
Multi-center Research
Participate in multi-center auditory research studies here at Boston Children's!
Scientific Collaboration: Massachusetts Eye and Ear and Boston Children's Hospital
PI: Julie Arenberg
BCH Site PI: Amanda Griffin
Over the course of multiple study visits, children will participate in a variety of listening tasks to create patient-tailored programs aimed to improve auditory skills.
Eligibility criteria:
ALL ages!
bilateral hearing loss
use at least one Advanced Bionics cochlear implant
Participation will be compensated at $75/visit. Interested in learning more? Scan the QR code below, or complete an intake here, or email
Scientific Collaboration: Boys Town National Research Hospital and Boston Children's Hospital
PI: Ryan McCreery
BCH Site PI: Derek Stiles
Eligibility criteria:
4-12 years old
normal hearing OR
bilateral hearing loss
English is a primary language
One study visit required.
Participation will be compensated at $20/hour. Interested in learning more? Email
Additional Audiology Research Opportunities
Participate in hearing research outside of Massachusetts!