- Feb 2025, Hannah Wang, an undergraduate student at MIT joined our lab. Welcome!
- Jan 2025, Our collaborative paper with Dr. Marsha Moses's lab, entitled "Breast Cancer-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Modulate the Cytoplasmic and Cytoskeletal Dynamics of Blood-Brain Barrier Endothelial Cells", has been published in the Journal of Extracellular Vesicles!
- Oct 2024, Dr. Lee delivered a keynote speech, "AI-Driven Exploration of Cellular Heterogeneity and Phenotype Discovery" in AI Biohealtcare Drug Discovery Summit in Seoul, South Korea, co-organized by Ajou Univ, Korea Univ, Rutgers Univ, and K-BioX.
- Sep 2024, I’m excited to share that the NIH/NIGMS has renewed my MIRA R35 grant for the next five years! I’m deeply grateful for NIGMS's continued support, which enables my lab to advance our work in developing AI/ML methods to analyze the heterogeneity of live cell dynamics in both health and disease.
- Sep 2024, Our work, "Interpretable Fine-Grained Phenotypes of Subcellular Dynamics via Unsupervised Deep Learning" has been published in Advanced Science!
- Aug 2024, Dr. Lee gave a talk, "Uncovering Cellular Phenotypes through AI-Powered Exploration of Heterogeneity", US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship, (UKC 2024), San Francisco, CA.
- Jun 2024, Our collaborative work with Prof. Junsang Doh's lab at Seoul National University, "Deep Learning-Based Automated Analysis of NK Cell Cytotoxicity in Single Cancer Cell Arrays" has been published in BioChip Journal!
- Jun 2024, Dr. Lee received the R01 subaward as a Co-I from NIH/NCI. The grant title is "Engineered biomimetic collective cancer invasion models for screening chemotherapeutic agents," and the PIs are Profs. Eun Hyun Ahn and Deok-Ho Kim at Johns Hopkins University.
- Jun 2024, Dr. Lee gave a talk, "Uncovering Live Cell Phenotypes through AI-Powered Exploration of Heterogeneity", K-BioX Boston Expert Forum, Cambridge, MA.
- May 2024, Two Yale undergraduate students, Daniel Cho and David Cho joined our lab as summer internship students. Welcome!
- Apr 2024, Harvard Catalyst awarded our lab a subsidized use of HMS Single Cell Core for our spatial transcriptomic projects!
- Mar 2024, Dr. Daehyung Kim gave a talk, "Deconvolution of cancer cell morphodynamics through feature trajectory embedding," in the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children's Hospital.
- Feb 2024, Dr. Tzu-Hsi Song presented a poster, "Fine-Grained Forecasting of COVID-19 Trends at the County Level in the United States," in Epistorm Consortium Meeting, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.
- Jan 2024, Dr. Abdurrahman Abul-Basher presented a poster, "Heterogeneity-Preserving Discriminative Feature Selection for Subtype Discovery," in Keystone Symposia Meeting, Single-Cell Biology: Tissue Genomics, Technologies and Disease, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Dec 2023, Dr. Hyung Joon Kim gave a poster presentation, "Integrating Motility and Morphology for Unraveling Cellular Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer Stem Cells," in Cell Bio 2023, Boston.
- Dec 2023, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a talk, "Integrating Motility and Morphology for Unraveling Cellular Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Breast Cancer Stem Cells," in Cell Bio 2023, Boston (Subgroup: Beyond Pretty Pictures: Quantitative Methods for Learning Cell Biology from Microscopy Datasets).
- Dec 2023, Dr. Abdurrahman Abul-Basher gave a talk, "Heterogeneity-Preserving Discriminative Feature Selection for Subtype Discovery," in the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children's Hospital.
- Dec 2023, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a talk, "Uncovering Cellular Subtypes with AI-based Analysis of Heterogeneity" in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Michigan Technology University.
- Oct 2023, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a talk, "Heterogeneity-Preserving Discriminative Feature Selection for Subtype Discovery," in the International Conference on Systems Biology, Hartford, CT.
- Aug 2023, Dr. Abdurrahman Abul-Basher presented a poster, "Heterogeneity-Preserving Discriminative Feature Selection for Subtype Discovery," in Cell Symposia, The Conceptual Power of Single-Cell Biology, San Diego, CA.
- Aug 2023, Our paper, "Screening Adequacy of Unstained Fine Needle Aspiration Samples Using a Deep Learning-based Classifier", has been accepted in Scientific Reports. This work is from the collaborative efforts with the clinicians, Drs. Young Kim and Ali Akalin at UMass Medical School. The first author is Junbong Jang, a former research assistant in the lab. The co-authors include Brian Westgate (former master student) and Caleb Hallinan (former research assistant). Congratulations!
- Jul, 2023, two undergraduate students, Brian Chung (Carnegie Mellon University) and Caleb Weldon (Northwestern University), joined our lab as summer internship students. Welcome!
- Jun 2023, our research assistant, Caleb Hallinan, left the lab to embark on a new academic journey as a PhD student in biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins University. Congratulations!
- Jun 2023, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a talk, "Uncovering Cellular Subtypes with AI-based Analysis of Heterogeneity" in the Department of Material Science and Engineering at Seoul National University, South Korea.
- Apr 2023, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a talk, "Uncovering Cellular Subtypes with AI-based Analysis of Heterogeneity" in the Vascular Biology Seminar Series, Boston Children’s Hospital & Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
- Apr 2023, Our paper, "Deep cross-modal feature learning applied to predict acutely decompensated heart failure using in-home collected electrocardiography and transthoracic bioimpedance", has been accepted in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. The co-first authors are Xiang Pan and Chauncey Wang, former graduate students in the lab. Congratulations!
- Mar 2023, We just received NIH R01 funding together with Profs. Hakho Lee (MPI) and Ruby Wang (Co-I)! The project title is High-throughput Phenotyping of iPSC-derived Airway Epithelium by Multiscale Machine Learning Microscopy!
- Mar 2023, Our microscope funded by NIH R35 equipment supplement has finally arrived! This will be our powerhouse that will feed AI with live cell data!
- Mar 2023, The collaborative project about deep learning-based contour tracking with Prof. Tae-Kyun Kim at KAIST is accepted in CVPR! The first author is Junbong Jang, a graduate student in his lab and a former research assistant in our lab. Congratulations, Junbong!
- Feb 2023, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a talk, "Heterogeneity-Preserving Feature Selection for Subtype Discovery", in Winter q-Bio Conference, Grand Reserve, Puerto Rico
- Feb 2023, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a talk, "AI-based Analysis of Cellular Heterogeneity for Subtype Discovery", Global Class Seminar, K-BioX
- Feb 2023, Dr. Tzu-Hsi Song gave a poster presentation, "Deep Learning-based Phenotyping of Breast Cancer Cells Using Lense-free Digital In-line Holography", in Biophysical Meeting, San Diego
- Feb 2023, Dr. Hyung Joon Kim gave a talk, "Develpment of the AI pipeline to analyze cellular motility and morphodynamics" in the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children's Hospital.
- Jan 2023, our lab members (Kwonmoo Lee, Hyungjoon Kim, Tzu-Hsi Song, Caleb Hallinan) taught a nanocourse, "Computational Analysis of Heterogeneity of Cellular Images" at Harvard Medical School.
- Nov 2022, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a talk, "AI-based Analysis of Cellular Heterogeneity for Subtype Discovery" at the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) in Cambridge, MA.
- Nov 2022, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a talk, "Deep learning-based phenotyping of breast cancer cells using lens-free digital in-line holography", in the International Conference on AI in Aging and Age-related Diseases.
- Oct 2022, Caleb Hallinan and Dr. Abdurrahman Abul-Basher together gave a talk, "Deconvolution of Cellular Heterogeneity for Sub-Type Discovery by Analyzing Variation in Cells" in the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children's Hospital.
- Sep 2022, We received the R35 equipment supplement grant from NIH/NIGMS. We will use this fund to purchase a live cell microscopy system to collect large-scale datasets for deep learning.
- Sep 2022, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee received the R56 subaward as a Co-I from NIH/NHLBI. The grant title is "Biomimetic Vascular Matrix for Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Mechanobiology and Pathology" and the PIs are Dr. Yongho Bae (Univ at Buffalo) and Dr. Su-Jin Heo (UPenn).
- Jun 2022, Our protocol "Protocol for live cell image segmentation to profile cellular morphodynamics using MARS-Net” has been published in STAR Protocols!
- Mar 2022, Dr. Tzu-Hsi Song and Caleb Hallinan together gave a talk, "Machine learning approaches applied to the prediction of Covid-19 spread and cell motility phenotyping" in the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children's Hospital.
- Feb 2022, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a plenary talk, "Deep Learning-Based Subcellular Phenotyping of Protrusion Dynamics Reveals Fine Differential Drug Responses at Subcellular and Single Cell Levels", in Winter q-Bio Conference in Oahu in Hawaii.
- Dec 2021, Dr. Abdurrahman Abul-Basher joined our lab as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome aboard!
- Dec 2021, Our collaboration paper with Prof. Yongho Bae at University at Buffalo, "A machine learning pipeline revealing heterogeneous responses to drug perturbations on vascular smooth muscle cell spheroid morphology and formation" has been published in Scientific Reports!
- Oct 2021, Our paper "A deep learning-based segmentation pipeline for profiling cellular morphodynamics from multiple types of live cell microscopy” has been published in Cell Reports Methods!
- Oct 2021, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a Zoom seminar, "Unraveling Phenotypic Heterogeneity from Live Cell Images using Deep Learning", in the Department of Life Sciences at Ewha Women's University, South Korea
- Oct 2021, Dr. Hyung Joon Kim joined our lab as a senior staff scientist. Welcome aboard!
- Sep 2021, We received the R35 supplement grant (urgent competitive revision) from NIH/NIGMS, entitled "Spatiotemporal forecasting of COVID-19 by integrating machine learning and epidemiological modeling"!
- Sep 2021, Caleb Hallinan joined our lab as a research assistant. Welcome!
- Aug 2021, Junbong Jang, a research assistant in the lab, started his masters study in artificial intelligence at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. We wish the best of his luck in his new career!
- Aug 2021, Xiang Pan, a research assistant in the lab, started his Ph.D. study at Virginia Tech. We wish the best of his luck in his new career!
- May 2021, Dr. Tzu-Hsi Song's manuscript entitled "Deep Learning-Based Phenotyping of Breast Cancer Cells Using Lens-free Digital In-line Holography", has been uploaded in bioRxiv!
- May 2021, Dr. Chauncey Wang's manuscript entitled "Deep Learning-based Subcellular Phenotyping of Protrusion Dynamics Reveals Fine Differential Drug Responses at Subcellular and Single-Cell Levels", has been uploaded in bioRxiv!
- May 2021, Junbong Jang gave a presentation, "MARS-Net: Deep Learning-based Segmentation Pipeline for Live Cell Time-lapse Images Using Multi-microscopy Datasets", in the Center for Systems Biology at Massachusetts General Hospital.
- May 2021, Our review paper, "Emerging machine learning approaches to phenotyping cellular motility and morphodynamics" has been accepted by Physical Biology!
- Apr 2021, Our new lab website is launched!
- Apr 2021, Junbong Jang's manuscript entitled "MARS-Net: Deep learning-based segmentation pipeline for profiling cellular morphodynamics from multiple types of live cell microscopy", has been uploaded in bioRxiv!
- Mar 2021, Junbong Jang gave a presentation, "MARS-Net: Deep Learning-based Segmentation Pipeline for Live Cell Time-lapse Images Using Multi-microscopy Datasets", in the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children's Hospital.
- Mar 2021, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a Zoom seminar, "Unraveling Phenotypic Heterogeneity from Live Cell Images using Deep Learning", in the Department of Physics at Oregon State University.
- Feb 2021, Dr. Tzu-Hsi Song gave a presentation, "Artificial Intelligence-based Phenotyping of Breast Cancer Cells using Lensless Digital In-line Holography", in the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children's Hospital.
- Jan 2021, Dr. Kwonmoo Lee gave a virtual poster presentation, "Deep learning-based analysis of heterogeneity of breast cancer cells using lens-free digital in-line holography", in AACR AI Meeting.
- Dec 2020, a new post-doc researcher, Dr. Daehyung Kim joined the lab! Welcome!
- Oct 2020, our lab is relocated to the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children’s Hospital.
- Mar 2020, Prof. Lee will give a talk, “Deep Learning-based Subcellular Phenotyping of Cell Edge Dynamics Reveals Fine-Grained Drug Responses” in NVIDIA’s GTC Digitial 2020.
- Mar 2020, Prof. Lee gave a talk in the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children’s Hospital.
- Mar 2020, Prof. Lee gave a talk in the Jacobs School of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences at the University at Buffalo.
- Mar 2020, Prof. Lee gave a talk at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
- Mar 2020, a new post-doc researcher, Dr. Tzu-Hsi Song just joined the lab! Welcome!
- Feb 2020, Prof. Lee gave a talk in the Department of Biology at the University of Virginia.
- Feb 2020, Dr. Hee June Choi gave a talk in Data Science in Cell Imaging, the workshop organized by the Company of Biologists.
- Jan 2020, Our spheroid work in collaboration with Prof. Bae at University at Buffalo was uploaded on bioRxiv, and it has been highlighted in the Node.
- Jan 2020, Prof. Lee gave a talk at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
- Jan 2020, Prof. Lee gave an invited talk in POSTECH-APCTP Meeting: Current issues in Biophysics in South Korea.
- Jan 2020, Prof. Lee gave a special lecture at Samsung Genome Institute in South Korea.
- Jan 2020. Prof. Lee co-chaired Cell Atlas session in BMES Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Conference.
- Dec 2019, Prof. Lee gave a talk, entitled “Unraveling Subcellular Heterogeneity of Drug Responses of Cell Protrusion by Deep Learning of Live Cell Images” at National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health.
- Dec 2019, Prof. Lee is a co-organizer of a Special Interest Subgroup, Machine Intelligence and Statistics in Cell Biology in ASCB/EMBO Meeting in Washington, D.C.
- Nov 2019, Prof. Lee will give a talk in the Annual Bioscience and Engineering Symposium organized by the NIH-KSA (Korean Scientists Association).
- Oct 2019, Prof. Lee gave a seminar, “Deep Learning-based Subcellular Phenotyping of Leading Edge Dynamics Reveals Fine Differential Drug Responses” at UT Southwestern Medical Center.
- Oct 2019, Prof. Lee gave a talk entitled “Deep Learning-based Subcellular Phenotyping of Leading Edge Dynamics Reveals Fine Differential Drug Responses” in BioImage Informatics 2019 at Allen Institute for Cell Sciences.
- Sep 2019, our research scientist, Dr. Hee June Choi was awarded a funded place for early-career researchers to attend Data Science in Cell Imaging organized by the Company of Biologists. Congratulations!
- Sep 2019, our recent two grants from NIH and DoD are announced on the WPI website.
- Sep 2019, I am thrilled to announce that we received the R35 MIRA award from NIH/NIGMS! The project title is “Unraveling subcellular heterogeneity of molecular coordination by machine learning,” and the total funding is $1.7M. I am very grateful that NIGMS recognized the effort and dedication that our lab members have put for the last four years. Using this fund, we will continue to work on developing machine/deep learning methodologies for live cell images over the next five years.
- Aug 2019, our Ph.D. student, Chauncey Wang successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Wang! He will continue his academic endeavor as a post-doc in Doug Lauffenburger’s lab at MIT.
- June 2019, We are thrilled to announce that we received the official award notice from the DoD Breast Cancer Research Program. Partnered with Prof. Hakho Lee at MGH, we will leverage AI and computational imaging to develop a breast cancer diagnosis system.
- June 2019, Prof. Lee together with Profs. Olivo-Marin (Institut Pasteur) and Zaritsky (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) will co-organize the Special Interest Subgroup, “Machine Intelligence and Statistics in Cell Biology” in ASCB|EMBO Meeting, Washington DC, 2019.
- June 2019, our Ph.D. student, Chauncey Wang who will defend his thesis this summer accepted a post-doctoral position in Doug Lauffenburger’s lab in the Department of Biological Engineering at MIT! Congratulations on Chauncey’s awesome achievements!
- May 2019, WPI undergraduate students, Finn Casey, Robert Farrell, Junbong Jang, Madison Ryan, and Carly Whittle joined the lab for their summer projects. Welcome!
- May 2019, an REU student, Tessa Curtis joined the lab for her summer project from UNC. Welcome!
- May 2019, Prof. Lee joined the Editorial Board of Scientific Reports.
- May 2019, Dr. Hee June Choi presented a poster entitled “A Machine Learning Approach to HACKs Heterogeneity in Subcellular Motility” in Frontiers in Imaging Science II at HHMI Janelia. Her travel was supported by HHMI Janelia.
- Arp 2019, Prof. Lee is affiliated with WPI Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Program.
- Mar 2019, Prof. Lee gave a seminar entitled “Fine-Grained Deconvolution of Subcellular Protrusion Heterogeneity by Machine Learning” in the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer at the University of Montreal.
- Jan 2019, Dr. Hee June Choi presented a poster entitled “HACKsing the heterogeneity of subcellular motion leading to directed cell migration by machine learning approach” in Gordon Research Conference on Directed Cell Migration. Her travel was supported by Women’s Young Investigator Fellowship.
- Dec 2018, Prof. Lee organized a Special Interest Subgroup, Machine Learning in Cell Biology in ASCB/EMBO meeting in San Diego. He also gave a talk entitled “Deconvolution of subcellular protrusion heterogeneity by machine learning-based live cell analysis”.
- Nov 2018, Chauncey Wang will give a talk entitled “A Machine Learning Approach to Deconvolve Subcellular Protrusion Heterogeneity and the Underlying Actin Regulator Dynamics from Live Cell Imaging” in Keystone Single Cell Biology Symposium, January 2019. Congratulations on giving a presentation at a very prestigious meeting!
- Nov 2018, our paper entitled “Deep Transfer Learning-Based Hologram Classification for Molecular Diagnostics” got published in Scientific Reports!
- Nov 2018, Chauncey Wang was awarded a WPI travel grant! Congratulations!
- Nov 2018, our paper entitled “Deep Transfer Learning-Based Hologram Classification for Molecular Diagnostics” has been accepted by Scientific Reports!
- Nov 2018, A graduate student, Doh-Won Moon from Prof. Junsang Doh’s lab at POSTECH visited the lab. He will spend two and half months to work on deep learning analysis of cancer-immune cell interaction. Welcome!
- Oct 2018, Prof. Kwonmoo Lee became an NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Certified Instructor and University Ambassador.
- Sep 2018, Prof. Kwonmoo Lee organized the Special Interest Subgroups, Machine Learning in Cell Biology in American Society for Cell Biology Meeting. The schedule is available here.
- Sep 2018, Dr. Hee June Choi was awarded Women’s Young Investigator Fellowship from WPI. This award will help her with professional development and conference participation. Congratulations!
- Aug 2018, The former MQP undergraduate students, Brian Westgate and Jamison LaRoche came back to the lab as master students. Xiang Pan also joined the lab as a master student. Welcome aboard!
- Aug 2018, Master student, Bing Zhao joined Kulicke & Soffa! Congratulations!
- Aug 2018, Master student, Bolun Lin joined Google! Congratulations!
- Aug 2018, Prof. Kwonmoo Lee presented seminars, entitled “Deconvolution of Subcellular Protrusion Heterogeneity by Machine Learning-Based Live Cell Analysis” at Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, and Pohang University of Science and Technology.
- July 2018, Prof. Kwonmoo Lee is organizing an ASCB Special Interest Subgroup session, “Machine Learning in Cell Biology”, which will be held in this December, San Diego.
- July 2018, Dr. Hee June Choi will give a talk in ISMB meeting in Chicago.
- June 2018, Prof. Lee and Dr. Choi gave a poster presentation about our recent publication in GRC Adhesion meeting.
- May 2018, Our recent paper was featured in Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights!
- Apr 2018, Our first paper was just published in Nature Communications!
- Apr 2018, Brian and Jamison successfully completed their MQP project! Congratulations!
- Apr 2018, Ted successfully defended his Master thesis! Congratulations!
- Apr 2018, Xitong successfully defended his Master thesis! Congratulations!
- Mar 2018, Xitong got an admission to the CS PhD Program at Michigan State University! Congratulations!
- Mar 2018, Our first paper was accepted by Nature Communications!
- Feb 2018, Prof. Kwonmoo Lee gave a contributed talk in winter q-bio meeting.
- Feb 2018, Our preprint, “Deconvolution Of Subcellular Protrusion Heterogeneity And The Underlying Actin Regulator Dynamics From Live Cell Imaging” has been chosen as one of cool cell biology preprints in January 2018 by the Node.
- Dec 2017, Chauncey Wang presented his research in a poster session in American Society for Cell Biology meeting.
- Nov 2017, NVIDIA donated a Jetson TX2 to the lab.
- Oct 2017, Chauncey Wang was awarded a WPI travel grant! Congratulations!
- Oct 2017, We are looking for enthusiastic Ph.D. and M.S. students who are interested in applied deep learning in biomedical data analysis. Please contact Prof. Lee if interested.
- Sep 2017, Our hologram deep learning paper in collaboration with MGH, entitled with “Deep Learning Based Hologram Classification for Molecular Diagnostics” has been uploaded on bioRxiv.
- Sep 2017, Our lab was awarded an R15 grant by NIH/NIGMS !
- Sep 2017, Our deep learning based cell segmentation method entitled with “vU-net: accurate cell edge segmentation in time-lapse fluorescence live cell images based on convolutional neural network” has been uploaded on bioRxiv.
- Aug 2017, Our Ph.D. student, Chauncey Wang passed his Ph.D. qualifying exam! Congratulations!
- Aug 2017, Our first deep learning manuscript entitled with “Edge Detection of Cryptic Lamellipodia Assisted by Deep Learning” has been uploaded on bioRxiv.
- Jul 2017, Our lab acquired a new deep learning workstation equipped with 4X NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti. The purchase was supported by Boston Scientific.
- May 2017, Our first manuscript entitled with “Deconvolution Of Subcellular Protrusion Heterogeneity And The Underlying Actin Regulator Dynamics From Live Cell Imaging” has been uploaded on bioRxiv.
- May 2017, Dr. Hee Jun Choi has been awarded the best poster in NEBS Korea meeting. Congratulations!
- May 2017, Prof. Kwonmoo Lee gave a seminar in the Center for Systems Biology at Massachusetts General Hospital.
- May 2017, Prof. Kwonmoo Lee received a collaborative appointment with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at WPI.
- Jan 2017, Boston Scientific donated gift money for our deep learning research.
- Aug 2016, NVIDIA donated a GTX Titan GPU card to the lab.
- Aug 2016, Dr. Sung-Jin Kim joined the lab as a research scientist.
- Nov 2015, Prof. Kwonmoo Lee organized a special session in Quantitative Live Cell Imaging in IEEE NanoBio 2015.
- Oct 2015, Prof. Kwonmoo Lee gave a seminar in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at University of Connecticut.
- Aug 2015, Chauncey (Chuangqi) Wang joined the lab as a Ph.D. student.
- May 2015, Dr. Hee June Choi joined the lab as a post-doctoral fellow.