Dachan Kim

Dachan Kim

Visiting Graduate Student (2019.1 - 2019.3)
Current: MD student in Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea
Dachan Kim

Dachan Kim

Visiting Graduate Student (2019.1 - 2019.3)
Current: MD student in Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea

During his time in the Lee lab, he worked on in-silico decomposition of different cell types using bulk and single-cell RNA-seq data from multiple disease cohorts and obtained exciting initial findings. He is currently under medical training in the Yonsei University College of Medicine, South Korea. He received an MS degree in life science from POSTECH (Pohang university of science and technology) in 2012 and worked as a researcher in Samsung Genomic Research Center for three years. He is interested in uncovering the molecular mechanism underlying neurological diseases using a genomic approach.