Jaejoon (Jason) Choi, PhD

Jaejoon (Jason) Choi, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow
Jaejoon (Jason) Choi, PhD

Jaejoon (Jason) Choi, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Jason joined the lab in February, 2018 as a postdoctoral fellow. He received his Ph.D. in bioinformatics from KAIST in 2017. His PhD theisis focused on the analysis of network motifs in various real-world networks including moelcular interaction networks. During his training in bioinformatics for over ten years, he studied multiple topics including text mining, network layout algorithms, network motif analysis, modeling language development, drug repositioning and efficacy prediction, and network model development. His broad interests and experiences in bioinformatics have enabled him to quickly formulate new biomedical problems and cope with computational solutions dealing with diverse types of biological data . His current training mainly focuses on the analysis of whole genome sequencing data, especially on the analysis of repetitive elements.