Kyu Park

Kyu Park

Junior Bioinformatician (2017.05 -2018.05)
Current: Support Specialist, SOPHiA GENETICS
Kyu Park

Kyu Park

Junior Bioinformatician (2017.05 -2018.05)
Current: Support Specialist, SOPHiA GENETICS

Kyu joined the lab as a Junior Bioinformatician in 2017 after studying computer science at Wentworth Institute of Technology. He revised, optimized, and ran the Tea (Transposable Element Analyzer) pipelines for various genomic projects in the lab. He came on board with little knowledge on biology and sequencing data analysis, but due to his hard work, he soon became proficient and moved on to a Support Specialist position in SOPHiA Genetics enjoying his orientation in Switzerland!