Seunghyun Wang, PhD

Seunghyun Wang, PhD
Seunghyun joined the lab in September 2024 as a postdoctoral fellow. She received his B.S. in Biotechnology from Yonsei University and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Bio and Brain engineering from KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). During her M.S. and Ph.D. studies, she focused on how systems biology could be applied in precision medicine. Her M.S. research in Doheon Lee’s lab focused on identifying prognostic subgroups of luminal-A breast cancer using deep autoencoders and gene expressions. Her Ph.D. research estimated individualized gene networks and developed community cohesion scores which quantify the gene community ability to retain the interactions between the them and their cellular functions, which can be used to as biomarkers for precision medicine. Her primary research interest in the Lee lab is to develop a method to detect somatic mutations based on personalized genome assembly and to interpret them using mutational gene regulatory networks in aging processes.