

Deciphering Lymphoid Development

We work at the interface of stem cell biology and immunology to advance our understanding of fundamental mechanisms underlying lymphocyte development. Leveraging new models such as iPSC-derived T and NK cells, we aim to increase the efficiency of identifying novel regulators that have critical roles during the differentiation of lymphoid cells.

Test tubes

Cell Engineering for Next-generation Immunotherapy

Harnessing the power of new technologies in genomic engineering, regenerative medicine, and synthetic biology, we seek to produce clinically relevant T cells from iPSCs to realize off-the-shelf cellular immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer.

Lab bench

Cellular Immunotherapy Beyond Cancer

Exploring the potential of iPSC-derived CAR T cells to unlock a safe and scalable off-the-shelf therapy for autoimmune disorders.

Recent Publications

  • Twaroski, K., S. K. Mallanna, R. Jing, F. DiFurio, A. Urick, and S. A. Duncan. 2015. “FGF2 mediates hepatic progenitor cell formation during human pluripotent stem cell differentiation by inducing the WNT antagonist NKD1”. Genes Dev 29: 2463-74.
    Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are required to specify hepatic fate within the definitive endoderm through activation of the FGF receptors (FGFRs). While the signaling pathways involved in hepatic specification are well understood, the mechanisms through which FGFs induce hepatic character within the endoderm are ill defined. Here we report the identification of genes whose expression is directly regulated by FGFR activity during the transition from endoderm to hepatic progenitor cell. The FGFR immediate early genes that were identified include those encoding transcription factors, growth factors, and signaling molecules. One of these immediate early genes encodes naked cuticle homolog 1 (NKD1), which is a repressor of canonical WNT (wingless-type MMTV integration site) signaling. We show that loss of NKD1 suppresses the formation of hepatic progenitor cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells and that this phenotype can be rescued by using a pharmacological antagonist of canonical WNT signaling. We conclude that FGF specifies hepatic fate at least in large part by inducing expression of NKD1 to transiently suppress the canonical WNT pathway.
  • da Rocha, Lummertz, C. Kubaczka, W. W. Sugden, M. A. Najia, R. Jing, A. Markel, Z. C. LeBlanc, et al. 2022. “CellComm infers cellular crosstalk that drives haematopoietic stem and progenitor cell development”. Nat Cell Biol 24: 579-89.
    Intercellular communication orchestrates a multitude of physiologic and pathologic conditions. Algorithms to infer cell-cell communication and predict downstream signalling and regulatory networks are needed to illuminate mechanisms of stem cell differentiation and tissue development. Here, to fill this gap, we developed and applied CellComm to investigate how the aorta-gonad-mesonephros microenvironment dictates haematopoietic stem and progenitor cell emergence. We identified key microenvironmental signals and transcriptional networks that regulate haematopoietic development, including Stat3, Nr0b2, Ybx1 and App, and confirmed their roles using zebrafish, mouse and human models. Notably, CellComm revealed extensive crosstalk among signalling pathways and convergence on common transcriptional regulators, indicating a resilient developmental programme that ensures dynamic adaptation to changes in the embryonic environment. Our work provides an algorithm and data resource for the scientific community.
  • Munera, J. O., D. O. Kechele, C. Bouffi, N. Qu, R. Jing, P. Maity, J. R. Enriquez, et al. 2023. “Development of functional resident macrophages in human pluripotent stem cell-derived colonic organoids and human fetal colon”. Cell Stem Cell 30: 1434-1451 e9.
    Most organs have tissue-resident immune cells. Human organoids lack these immune cells, which limits their utility in modeling many normal and disease processes. Here, we describe that pluripotent stem cell-derived human colonic organoids (HCOs) co-develop a diverse population of immune cells, including hemogenic endothelium (HE)-like cells and erythromyeloid progenitors that undergo stereotypical steps in differentiation, resulting in the generation of functional macrophages. HCO macrophages acquired a transcriptional signature resembling human fetal small and large intestine tissue-resident macrophages. HCO macrophages modulate cytokine secretion in response to pro- and anti-inflammatory signals and were able to phagocytose and mount a robust response to pathogenic bacteria. When transplanted into mice, HCO macrophages were maintained within the colonic organoid tissue, established a close association with the colonic epithelium, and were not displaced by the host bone-marrow-derived macrophages. These studies suggest that HE in HCOs gives rise to multipotent hematopoietic progenitors and functional tissue-resident macrophages.
  • Jing, R., C. B. Duncan, and S. A. Duncan. 2017. “A small-molecule screen reveals that HSP90beta promotes the conversion of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endoderm to a hepatic fate and regulates HNF4A turnover”. Development 144: 1764-74.
    We have previously shown that the transcription factor HNF4A is required for the formation of hepatic progenitor cells from endoderm that has been derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). We reasoned that we could uncover regulatory pathways with new roles in hepatocyte differentiation by identifying cellular processes that regulate HNF4A. We therefore performed a screen of 1120 small molecules with well-characterized mechanisms of action to detect those that affect the abundance of HNF4A in iPSC-derived hepatic progenitor cells. This approach uncovered several small molecules that depleted HNF4A. Of those, we chose to focus on an inhibitor of heat shock protein 90 beta (HSP90beta). We show that mutation of the gene encoding HSP90beta represses hepatocyte differentiation during the formation of hepatocytes from iPSCs. We reveal that HSP90beta, although dispensable for expression of HNF4A mRNA, directly interacts with HNF4A protein to regulate its half-life. Our results demonstrate that HSP90beta has an unappreciated role in controlling hepatic progenitor cell formation and highlight the efficiency of using small-molecule screens during the differentiation of iPSCs to reveal new molecular mechanisms that control hepatocyte formation.
  • Jing, R., I. Scarfo, M. A. Najia, Lummertz da Rocha, A. Han, M. Sanborn, T. Bingham, et al. 2022. “EZH1 repression generates mature iPSC-derived CAR T cells with enhanced antitumor activity”. Cell Stem Cell 29: 1181-1196 e6.

    Human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) provide a potentially unlimited resource for cell therapies, but the derivation of mature cell types remains challenging. The histone methyltransferase EZH1 is a negative regulator of lymphoid potential during embryonic hematopoiesis. Here, we demonstrate that EZH1 repression facilitates in vitro differentiation and maturation of T cells from iPSCs. Coupling a stroma-free T cell differentiation system with EZH1-knockdown-mediated epigenetic reprogramming, we generated iPSC-derived T cells, termed EZ-T cells, which display a highly diverse T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire and mature molecular signatures similar to those of TCRalphabeta T cells from peripheral blood. Upon activation, EZ-T cells give rise to effector and memory T cell subsets. When transduced with chimeric antigen receptors (CARs), EZ-T cells exhibit potent antitumor activities in vitro and in xenograft models. Epigenetic remodeling via EZH1 repression allows efficient production of developmentally mature T cells from iPSCs for applications in adoptive cell therapy.

  • Frame, J. M., C. Kubaczka, T. L. Long, V. Esain, R. A. Soto, M. Hachimi, R. Jing, et al. 2020. “Metabolic Regulation of Inflammasome Activity Controls Embryonic Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell Production”. Dev Cell 55: 133-149 e6.
    Embryonic hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) robustly proliferate while maintaining multilineage potential in vivo; however, an incomplete understanding of spatiotemporal cues governing their generation has impeded robust production from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in vitro. Using the zebrafish model, we demonstrate that NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated interleukin-1-beta (IL1beta) signaling drives HSPC production in response to metabolic activity. Genetic induction of active IL1beta or pharmacologic inflammasome stimulation increased HSPC number as assessed by in situ hybridization for runx1/cmyb and flow cytometry. Loss of inflammasome components, including il1b, reduced CD41(+) HSPCs and prevented their expansion in response to metabolic cues. Cell ablation studies indicated that macrophages were essential for initial inflammasome stimulation of Il1rl1(+) HSPCs. Significantly, in human iPSC-derived hemogenic precursors, transient inflammasome stimulation increased multilineage hematopoietic colony-forming units and T cell progenitors. This work establishes the inflammasome as a conserved metabolic sensor that expands HSPC production in vivo and in vitro.