

Davis, Kayla, Himanish Basu, Ismael Izquierdo-Villalba, Ethan Shurberg, and Thomas L Schwarz. 2023. “Miro GTPase Domains Regulate the Assembly of the Mitochondrial Motor–adaptor Complex”. Life Science Alliance 6 (1).
Mitochondrial transport relies on a motor–adaptor complex containing Miro1, a mitochondrial outer membrane protein with two GTPase domains, and TRAK1/2, kinesin-1, and dynein. Using a peroxisome-directed Miro1, we quantified the ability of GTPase mutations to influence the peroxisomal recruitment of complex components. Miro1 whose N-GTPase is locked in the GDP state does not recruit TRAK1/2, kinesin, or P135 to peroxisomes, whereas the GTP state does. Similarly, the expression of the MiroGAP VopE dislodges TRAK1 from mitochondria. Miro1 C-GTPase mutations have little influence on complex recruitment. Although Miro2 is thought to support mitochondrial motility, peroxisome-directed Miro2 did not recruit the other complex components regardless of the state of its GTPase domains. Neurons expressing peroxisomal Miro1 with the GTP-state form of the N-GTPase had markedly increased peroxisomal transport to growth cones, whereas the GDP-state caused their retention in the soma. Thus, the N-GTPase domain of Miro1 is critical for regulating Miro1’s interaction with the other components of the motor–adaptor complex and thereby for regulating mitochondrial motility.
See also: Journal article


Heo, Keunjung, Himanish Basu, Amos Gutnick, Wei Wei, Evgeny Shlevkov, and Thomas L. Schwarz. 2022. “Serine/Threonine Protein Phosphatase 2A Regulates the Transport of Axonal Mitochondria”. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 16.

Microtubule-based transport provides mitochondria to distant regions of neurons and is essential for neuronal health. To identify compounds that increase mitochondrial motility, we screened 1,641 small-molecules in a high-throughput screening platform. Indirubin and cantharidin increased mitochondrial motility in rat cortical neurons. Cantharidin is known to inhibit protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). We therefore tested two other inhibitors of PP2A: LB-100 and okadaic acid. LB-100 increased mitochondrial motility, but okadaic acid did not. To resolve this discrepancy, we knocked down expression of the catalytic subunit of PP2A (PP2CA). This long-term inhibition of PP2A more than doubled retrograde transport of axonal mitochondria, confirming the importance of PP2A as a regulator of mitochondrial motility and as the likely mediator of cantharidin’s effect.

See also: Journal article
Harbauer, Angelika B., Tabitha Hees, Simone Wanderoy, Inmaculada Segura, Whitney Gibbs, Yiming Cheng, Martha Ordonez, et al. 2022. “Neuronal Mitochondria Transport Pink1 MRNA via Synaptojanin 2 to Support Local Mitophagy”. Neuron 110 (9): 1516-31.
Summary PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) is a short-lived protein required for the removal of damaged mitochondria through Parkin translocation and mitophagy. Because the short half-life of PINK1 limits its ability to be trafficked into neurites, local translation is required for this mitophagy pathway to be active far from the soma. The Pink1 transcript is associated and cotransported with neuronal mitochondria. In concert with translation, the mitochondrial outer membrane proteins synaptojanin 2 binding protein (SYNJ2BP) and synaptojanin 2 (SYNJ2) are required for tethering Pink1 mRNA to mitochondria via an RNA-binding domain in SYNJ2. This neuron-specific adaptation for the local translation of PINK1 provides distal mitochondria with a continuous supply of PINK1 for the activation of mitophagy.
See also: Journal article



Basu, Himanish, Lai Ding, Gulcin Pekkurnaz, Michelle Cronin, and Thomas L. Schwarz. 2020. “Kymolyzer, a Semi-Autonomous Kymography Tool to Analyze Intracellular Motility”. Current Protocols in Cell Biology 87 (1): e107.
Abstract The movement of intracellular cargo, such as transcripts, proteins, and organelles, is fundamental to cellular function. Neurons, due to their long axons and dendrites, are particularly dependent on proper intracellular trafficking and vulnerable to defects in the movement of intracellular cargo that are noted in neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders. Accurate quantification of intracellular transport is therefore needed for studying the mechanisms of cargo trafficking, the influence of mutations, and the effects of potentially therapeutic pharmaceuticals. In this article, we introduce an algorithm called “Kymolyzer.” The algorithm can quantify intracellular trafficking along a defined path, such as that formed by the aligned microtubules of axons and dendrites. Kymolyzer works as a semi-autonomous kymography software application. It constructs and analyzes kymographs to measure the movement and distribution of fluorescently tagged objects along a user-defined path. The algorithm can be used under a wide variety of experimental conditions and can extract a diverse array of motility parameters describing intracellular movement, including time spent in motion, percentage of objects in motion, percentage of objects that are stationary, and velocities of motile objects. This article serves as a user manual describing the design of Kymolyzer, providing a stepwise protocol for its use and illustrating its functions with common examples. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC Basic Protocol: Kymolyzer, a semi-autonomous kymography tool to analyze intracellular motility
See also: Journal article